ran on the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail with our start and finish at
Britton Park, Shippensburg. We ran three 'out & back' laps each
beginning and ending at the park. I had planned the course with lap
distances of about 10 miles on the first lap and 8 miles on second and
third. We had drinks and nutrition set up at about 2 mile intervals. The
out and back course which repeated on a 4 mile section meant we could
see each other in passing even when not running together.
We had
great support and encouragement from family and friends. Jill's husband
Mike and son Donovan biked the course with encouraging words, mobile
music and water for anyone who needed it. Paul's wife Greta was there
start to finish at Britton park with uplifitng and fun posters,
cheering, etc. Their daughter and family came to cheer for their Papa with more handmade signs. My dear wife Rose was there too to support me in
another marathon - my 18th I think. Friends Anna and Kristin came to
support us too. And many people using the trail realized what we were
doing there and gave us friendly encouragement. We saw and greeted 2
other runners wearing race numbers for their virtual Boston.
major source of inspiration and support was the Hyland's Family. I
joined the Hyland's Boston Marathon team as a legacy runner this year
and Jill has been a team member for I think 3 years now. There was so
much mutual encouragement through social media - about 40 team members
shared our virtual marathon experience. We received a generous supply of
Hyland's homeopathic products to help us perform well. Their leg cramps
remedy is well known and we all used it for our race. Products to help
with health, recovery, sleep, sinus symptoms and more helped me to train
better and race better. Thank you Hylands!
Jill had stated that her goal was a finish time under 4 hours and ran in first place start to finish. Paul and I had said that we wanted to finish the distance without injury and give a respectable effort. We had not stated a goal time before we started. I had serious doubts about my ability to run well for the distance due to a recent ankle sprain and curtailed training. Paul and I ran together for most of 2 laps/18 miles. We each told some of our life stories related to family, work, and running. Our early pace was in the low 9 minute mile range. As time went on our stops at our aid locations pushed our average pace slower into the upper 9 minute mile range. The aid stations were spaced well, but were unattended. That meant stopping/taking time to find our supplies in the cooler and taking in gels, fluids etc before resuming the run.
I was ready to leave the park before Paul after lap 1 and my friend Anna joined me for the first 3 miles of lap 2. Paul caught up before the middle of this lap and we finished lap 2 together. By this time I decided to carry a water bottle and drink on the move to make aid stops quicker than stopping to drink all I needed. As we came into the park his daughter and family were there; his grandchildren were holding signs and everyone was cheering. My sweet wife Rose was there and helped me refill a bottle before I started out for the third lap.
Paul was ready for lap 3 and started a little ahead of me and stayed ahead all the way to the finish. But my friend Kristin joined me for that lap and ran the final 8 miles with me to the finish. We've run together numerous times and her company was a help to keep me working toward finishing and occupying my mind with conversation rather than my increasing discomfort. My ankle was aching, my quads were tired and sore. On this last lap I walked for a couple minutes after each of the 3 aid stops. Although the effort increased and some body parts complained, I was able to run well enough. My energy levels had also held up well.
Eventually Kristin and I crested the small hill to the last road crossing, just six tenths of a mile from the finish at the park. This is a place where in past training runs I would race my wife Rose to the park while she biked. There was no racing this time but we did hold pace or maybe picked it up a little. I could see our group as we rounded the last bend before the park. Jill and Paul and all of our supporters were there and cheered me in to the finish.
Since I had laid out the course including marking a proposed finish line, I ran to that line even though my watch had already recorded more than the marathon distance.
Jill had finished in 3:52, ahead of her sub 4 hour goal. I think Paul's finish time was 4:10. And my watch showed 4:24:04 for 26.5 miles.

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Virtual Team Photo |
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Hylands Team Signature Map |