Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Boston 2020 - training starts again

I first started training for the 2020 Boston Marathon in late December 2019. The race was scheduled for the 3rd Monday in April, consistent with long standing tradition. This time I had been accepted as a legacy runner on Hyland's 2020 Boston Marathon Team.  I was excited to go to Boston as part of a team.

In March the Covid-19 pandemic caused the Boston Athletic Association, the city of Boston and race sponsors to reschedule the marathon for the 3rd Monday of September. My training switched to a mostly maintenance approach until mid May when I restarted my training plan.

And in late May the race was changed again, this time to a virtual marathon to be run individually in the second week of September. My training shifted back to a less serious level as I considered whether to be part of the virtual event. (I have also been busy related to family members moving out of state.)

Registration opened for the virtual race on July 7th and I registered to participate.  Now with 2 months till the race date window, I am again starting to prepare to run a marathon. At this point my goal is to complete the 26.2 miles, but not to race it.  I will probably use a run/walk approach and join up with some local Hyland's teammates to set our race route and run on the same date.

There is an effort underway by Hyland's to get team members together for the virtual race. I am eager to find out what develops from this.  Joining up for our own event would be very fun.

Pressing toward a finish line that has been moving has made for a very different running year thus far. Let's all keep moving forward.

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